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Welcome to our First Newsletter article

Igal and Iris HamiWe would like to welcome you to Gil Travel’s first newsletter.  We are hoping that this will be one of many for you to enjoy.  Each month, we will bring you information about different parts of the world, information that will help you think of where you may want to take your next vacation, or keep it filed in your inbox for a future time. We will also bring you information that is important for you to know when thinking of going abroad, or simply leaving your home.

I have been to many places and I have always found that I get excited as I start preparing for a trip even if it is a year or more away.  My preparation may start with purchasing a book about the destination, or reading about it in the internet or magazine, or speaking about it with my friend or colleague.  By the time I am ready to make my reservations, I want to feel more comfortable asking questions and being an active part of the decision making.

Yet there are others who are happy to have someone else take care of everything and that is fine also.  Whether it is you, your loved one, your travel agent or a combination who takes care of all the details, what is important is that your trip will go seamlessly and that you will only have wonderful memories that you will want to share with others when you return. We all learn from each other.  No one is a full expert in the whole world.  Our staff has years and years of experience and world travel but we are still learning every day from our colleagues and from our clients.  We hope that you will become an interactive part of this newsletter, writing to us about your trips and sending us pictures that we can share with others.  It is in this global manner that we will learn more and be able to have the fullest experience from our travels.

Happy Reading,

Igal and Iris Hami
Owners, Gil Travel

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